
Pine and cypress Learn more about Pine and cypress

  • How to make and maintain pine and cypress bonsai

    How to make and maintain pine and cypress bonsai

    How to make and maintain pine and cypress bonsai

  • How do pines and cypresses survive the winter

    How do pines and cypresses survive the winter

    Pine and cypress, bamboo and plum are widely distributed in the south and east of North China, and are often used as ornamental tree species in gardens. So, how do pines and cypresses survive the winter? First, how do pines and cypresses spend the winter? Pine and cypress pass the winter by adjusting the color of the leaves.

    2020-11-08 Pine and cypress how winter pine and cypress and bamboo plum known as
  • Appreciation of Platycladus orientalis bonsai pictures

    Appreciation of Platycladus orientalis bonsai pictures

    Platycladus orientalis alias: Platycladus orientalis, Platycladus orientalis L. Latin name: Platycladusorientalis (L.) Franco family: Platycladus orientalis is one of the most widely used garden tree species in China. Because of its long life and beautiful posture, Platycladus orientalis is often used for scattered planting in the courtyard.

  • Techniques for making pine and cypress bonsai

    Techniques for making pine and cypress bonsai

    Shandong is one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese culture. On Mount Tai, the head of the five Mountains, there are various kinds of ancient pines on Mount Tai and Houshiwu; in the Zhongjun account ancient temple in Culai Mountain, there are ancient pines that are hundreds of years old; in the loan Temple in Tai'an, some people call the ancient cypress Linghan; in Lingyan Temple and Qufu Konglin, there are many ancient cypresses whose old branches have experienced Cangsang.

  • These six kinds of trees must be indispensable for bonsai.

    These six kinds of trees must be indispensable for bonsai.

    ▲ Wang Yongkang Zhenbai works 1. Cypress bonsai can be called the king of bonsai, among which Zhenbai is the most valuable. The cypress is as famous as the pine, there is the saying that the pine and cypress are evergreen, the aesthetic characteristics of the cypress are almost the same as the pine, but there are differences.

  • Bonsai techniques: hydroponic black pine, cypress and maple bonsai have gained experience

    Bonsai techniques: hydroponic black pine, cypress and maple bonsai have gained experience

    Just saw a hydroponic method to cultivate pine, cypress, maple, ginkgo and other bonsai, can not wait to show my friends. Don't talk too much nonsense, look at the picture first. Real cypress and pine maple, pine special glass bottles, melted solid.

  • Bonsai appreciation: it can be seen that the pine and cypress are evergreen in winter and summer but proud of frost and snow.

    Bonsai appreciation: it can be seen that the pine and cypress are evergreen in winter and summer but proud of frost and snow.

    This shape is very beautiful, a cluster, like clouds floating on the branches. ...

  • How to choose the material of tree stump bonsai

    How to choose the material of tree stump bonsai

    Generally choose graceful posture, peculiar root stem, gorgeous flowers and fruits, strong germination, long life, easy modeling and strong adversarial plants. Usually, the plants suitable for pile scenery are divided into three categories: pine and cypress, miscellaneous trees and flowers and fruits. 1. Pine and cypress: the best products commonly used are five-needle pine, black pine, Luohan pine, true pine, Jinsong pine, Huangshan pine, juniper cypress, juniper, and so on. 2. Miscellaneous wood: the materials are different from place to place. Common are Finch plum, Xiangfei bamboo, Cuibai bamboo, Buddha belly bamboo, June snow, melon seed yellow poplar, hammer elm, chicken catch maple, red maple, banyan tree and so on. These trees

  • Making and Management of Conifer Bonsai

    Making and Management of Conifer Bonsai

    According to the characteristics of human landscape and combined with the characteristics of thick and dwarf pine and cypress in Shandong mountainous areas, the old trunk and thick branches of vegetables were cut to lower the trunk and reduce the crown; then the method of coarse and fine arrangement was adopted to make the crown follow its natural shape and interlace between layers. There are small changes between each big layer, which has the sense of integrity, not disorder, and the beauty of natural formation. Moreover, the dwarf wild pile resources are fully utilized, and the black pine stumps are replaced into five-needle pines by grafting methods such as grafting, high-branch ventral grafting, bud grafting, etc. Using the abundant Platycladus orientalis

  • Chinese horticultural bonsai featuring real cypress, Osaka pine, white wax, triangle maple-Xiling autumn beat

    Chinese horticultural bonsai featuring real cypress, Osaka pine, white wax, triangle maple-Xiling autumn beat

    Five-needle pine description: the unique shape of the five-needle pine bonsai, Daoxian tree trunk turns straight up, a tree needle is verdant, layer on top, the level is distinct. The root branch is a demon.

  • The latest method of making juniper bonsai

    The latest method of making juniper bonsai

    Pine and cypress bonsai, rugged old, cold and heat-resistant, cultivation does not choose soil, is a longevity tree species, much loved by people. However, it is difficult to dig and plant the old pine and cypress stakes, because its sap is in a waxy state, the bark is fragile and fragile, and the grease seal is rigid once it is damaged.

    2020-11-10 The latest cliff cypress bonsai production method pine and cypress rugged
  • These trees are ten times more expensive than bonsai. I don't know. They're all firewood.

    These trees are ten times more expensive than bonsai. I don't know. They're all firewood.

    Coniferous bonsai species: five-needle pine, black pine, money pine, podocarpus, cypress, juniper, juniper, Platycladus orientalis, cypress, cloud cypress and so on. The flowers and fruits of bonsai species are the following: South Tianzhu, Privet, Pyracantha, sea...

  • Illustrating the production of five-needle pine bonsai to see how a rotten tree stump can be turned into fine bonsai step by step.

    Illustrating the production of five-needle pine bonsai to see how a rotten tree stump can be turned into fine bonsai step by step.

    Pine and cypress bonsai modeling for pine and cypress bonsai, there is a very classic trick, that is: pine and cypress bonsai should be willing to cut! No cutting, no shaping, no creativity, no classic! The essence is indeed so, it depends on their own understanding. All right, pick one.

  • Modeling Technology of Cypress Bonsai

    Modeling Technology of Cypress Bonsai

    Cypress fighting cold and proud snow, resolute and straight, is the length of a hundred trees, is the symbol of righteousness, nobility, longevity and immortality. Cypress shape due to the difference between leaves and pine, so the level should not be too clear. The wood of cypress is resistant to decay and can create withered branches and withered shapes. withered branches can be peeled, and withered branches can be shaped and peeled after shaping.

  • Leave the cones to the forest, and there will be a perfect tree! The Taiwan fir that hit the moon began to grow from the big sesame seeds.

    Leave the cones to the forest, and there will be a perfect tree! The Taiwan fir that hit the moon began to grow from the big sesame seeds.

    Leave the cones to the forest, and there will be a perfect tree! The Taiwan fir that hit the moon began to grow from the big sesame seeds.

  • The method of making bonsai of Sabina vulgaris

    The method of making bonsai of Sabina vulgaris

    Pine and cypress bonsai, rugged old, cold and heat-resistant, cultivation does not choose soil, is a longevity tree species, much loved by people. However, it is difficult to dig and plant the old pine and cypress stakes, because the sap is in the state of wax, the bark is fragile and fragile, once damaged, the grease seal is rigid, and the sap circulation is delayed. It's hard to sprout new buds.

  • Selected works of Zhao Qingquan bonsai master made by literati tree

    Selected works of Zhao Qingquan bonsai master made by literati tree

    Scene name: dusty tree species: black pine height: 106 cm tree age: 25 years author: Zhao Qingquan's creation of "Dust" began in early 2004. The material is a mountain-picked black pine (figure 1, 2). Before starting, it was examined repeatedly and finally selected.

  • green pines and verdant cypresses

    green pines and verdant cypresses

    Pine is one of the most popular tree species among bonsai lovers, and black pine is one of the best, known as "king of pine". It can adapt to rocky barren soil, and its tolerance to harsh environment and rugged appearance make it five.

  • Zhao Qingquan: see the Spirit of one Branch and one Leaf-- talking about the Literati Tree again

    Zhao Qingquan: see the Spirit of one Branch and one Leaf-- talking about the Literati Tree again

    One branch, one leaf sees the spirit-- again talk about literati tree production, photography, writing | Zhao Qingquan copyright belongs to teacher Zhao Qingquan. I have a special fondness for literati trees for a long time. At first, when I was reading the score of painting, I found that the paintings in ancient China, especially.

  • How to cultivate cypress bonsai and pruning methods

    How to cultivate cypress bonsai and pruning methods

    Today, the editor will introduce cypress to you. Cypress, as you may know, is very common in life and widely distributed. Its shape is very large, like a ladder. Its leaves are like brooms. One of the excellent materials for making bonsai is

    2020-11-08 Cypress bonsai how raise trim method today editor coming